It was 1997, I was 12 years old and I was watching the MTV Sports and Music Festival. It was basically a mix of skateboarding, rollerblading and bmx with a spattering of ‘metal’ and ‘punk’ music. Think of a smaller X-Games.
I was really only interested in the skateboarding as by this time I was really into it and practiced everyday for my lifelong dream of becoming a professional skateboarder – which at now, 40 years old seems kind of like a pipe dream. Although I’m still pretty happy popping up to a small curb every once in a while.
I was waiting and watching for one skateboarder in particular: Ed Templeton. From the first time I ever looked in a Transworld or Thrasher I was in love with Toy Machine and their artwork, and who was at the helm? That’s right, Ed Templeton.

I remember when they interviewed him on MTV, he mentioned how other skaters used to make fun of him because he wore tight pants that came pretty far up his legs. You must remember, these were the times of the massive baggy pants. I never liked those, and the way Ed talked about his pants made me love Toy Machine and his message even more. That might not seem like a big de to everyone, but I REALLY hated baggy pants.
I followed Toy Machine all through my time in skateboarding, and still do! I always had a Toy Machine deck.
It was also around this time that I realized that Ed had started a shoe company called Sheep. It was also around this time that I went on vacation with my friend Ryan and his family and made his parents drive us down to the local skate shop. I made a very important purchase that day, ‘Life Of Leisure.’ The Sheep video.
The skateboarding, the animations, the little video clips in between the skate parts, and the music. A perfect fit for a perfect video.
I honestly don’t think this video gets enough credit, but I watched the VHS about 400 times that weekend. It pushed me, got me outside, got me on the curbs, got me to do giant tricks that I knew I would never be able to land. But, seriously, such a great video.
Now, I was on the hunt. The hunt to find Sheep shoes. I’m not totally sure where I got my first pair from – it was one of two places: The Boarding House in Hyannis or the CCS catalog. I honestly can’t remember. But, they were white and I was the happiest kid in my neighborhood. I wore them until they were just laces.
Many, many, many years later I started wearing baggier pants, because I gained weight as a dad, but I still had that yearning for Sheep shoes to complete my wardrobe.
I surfed on over to the internet and pulled up a search for Sheep. I couldn’t believe it, but the Etnies website had a few pairs! I order a pair of white and blue shoes and a short sleeve Sheep shirt. Unfortunately the ‘Life Of Leisure’ VHS was long gone, but the video was available on YouTube. I laced up my shoes, watched the video and ran outside like a 12 year old kid watching the masters of the universe. Being a pro skater is long gone for me, but there is still time to get radical.

Paul runs Give Praise Records and is the Editor at Shackle Magazine. Paul hangs out on Cape Cod in Massachusetts with his wife and son, Christopher. He also has been working at a offset print shop since 2003, and still tries to get out and skateboard on very small curbs.