Punk and Christianity, or really any religion, are two things that don’t normally fit together. I suppose you could argue that a lot of punk/metal bands will use Satanic artwork and imagery which in itself is a form of religion. Or you could take a band like Youth Of Today, and Shelter, along with many others who add Krishna into their music. All various forms of religion. But, Christianity seems to take a back seat with most of the punk bands around.
This is where Steven Meketa steps in. Steven takes vocal duties in Apartment 213 as well as starting his own noise project: Meketa Power Electronics. Poweviolence, Harsh Noise, Noisecore – how is there any room for worship and reading from the Bible? Meketa makes time and room to not only destroy his vocal cords but also pass on a very serious message.
Personally, I was so interested in Meketa’s noise project, and how he works religion into his music. In a not very Christian environment he stands up there and worships as well as blasting the sound barrier with waves of brutal noise.
Noise and power electronics fill the room as well as a haunting voice quoting scripture. It is a very unique experience and one that may not go over well at every venue. But, Meketa keeps pushing the sound barriers while staying true to his spiritual self.
Right now, Meketa Power Electronics have some releases on Black Claw Records that are worth checking out – it is a very unique sound and a very unique journey that Meketa will help you take the ride.
Meketa also manages to get a good workout on a skateboard – doing an activity called ‘skogging.’ He tries to keep fit and to eat right.
He compiles his three projects into his daily life and into everything he does: music, skogging and worshipping.
I asked Meketa a few questions to basically find out who he truly is and what message he brings to his shows for all to hear.

You have done a lot with music – Apartment 213, Meketa Power Electronics. When you first started with music, were you Christian or did that come later?
MEKETA. I was raised in a Christian home to a point. My parents were not Bible theologians or religious but they attended church. I fell away from it. I believed the punk lies and all of the anti this and that cry baby nonsense that Jello Biafra spews. Don’t get me wrong a lot of what is said has some truth and great points but it’s twisted and ends up having a price tag attached to it. So all the F this F that just ends up to be F you pay me haha.
Anyway, it was NOT until 2006-2007 after my constant health issues caught up with me that I surrendered to the One TRUE God my Lord and savior Jesus!!!
When we talked you said that you were yelled at by people from the LGBTQ folks – is that a common problem or does it only happen a few times?
MEKETA. Yes, some people are confused about the Christian faith and rightly so… they have been or have heard of others who have been mistreated by people in the Christian community. I call that the Shark Theory. One person gets attacked by a shark then sharks are predators. Not to say that there are not Christian people out there that don’t start in with the LGBTQ community because there is and they do. However people have to remember just that!! We are ALL that!! PEOPLE!! Not perfect and flawed people. So once one accepts Jesus into their lives the do NOT become a superhero or a great person. They remain flawed and imperfect. They just have a vision of what the future will look like and a hope. That’s it.
As far as the LGBTQ community is concerned I say this. If you are in this community and support this community I am sorry if a Christian was mean to you or worse. God is THE ONLY JUDGE! And Jesus himself said “He who is without sin cast the first stone” he also said “Love one another as I have loved you” we are to love one another and forgive one another. That’s it! If we do anything other than that, that’s not Christianity that’s fill in the _ with the first name of the person or persons who responded in this way because that’s them not God.
You have a lot of personal strength getting out there and standing in front of a crowd by yourself – do you ever doubt yourself? How do you get the inner strength?
MEKETA. CONSTANTLY!! As stated in the previous answer. I’m just a person. I’m flawed. I think and say things daily that do not line up with God’s word!! And for a short period I believe the lie!! What is the lie?(those of you reading this will ask?) The lie is the enemy in your head (spiritual warfare) telling you that you do not matter and nobody cares or they won’t believe you blah blah.
My inner strength is from God!!
What inspires you personally to keep doing what you are doing? It is just inspiration from being a Christian or do you draw inspiration from other sources?
MEKETA. My inspiration comes from my love of power electronics! Whitehouse are the best band on the earth! I want to do a style and sound similar but with a Christ minded focus! God is my main source for everything I do!!
You are very active in skateboarding and skogging – can you just give us a rundown of what skogging is?
MEKETA. SO STOKED YOU ASKED THIS!! Skogging is my daily routine! It’s is skateboarding + jogging. Due to my health issues I am to eat vegan (I hate it) and work out daily! I chose skog!!
Do you draw any parallels between music, skateboarding and Christianity? Do they all connect somehow?
MEKETA. Absolutely! I got into punk then hardcore then noise/power electronics through skateboarding!

Paul runs Give Praise Records and is the Editor at Shackle Magazine. Paul hangs out on Cape Cod in Massachusetts with his wife and son, Christopher. He also has been working at a offset print shop since 2003, and still tries to get out and skateboard on very small curbs.