It’s Not Negative If It’s Negative Bias

The woods shake, the sidewalks ache. It’s the new album from NEGATIVE BIAS!

These righteous folks call North Carolina home and they are here to present you with a brand new album: Negatively Biased. And, in reality there is nothing negative about it.

They love fastcore and powerviolence from days past and it shines (very brightly) through with their new offering. Citing their major influences from 90’s fastcore and their favorite band HELLNATION. This new album hits just right. 

Vocally and musically they are on point with bands like CHARLES BRONSON. I actually hear a lot of that in their newest platter. 

Fast paced and balanced out nicely with some gang vocals and hard hitting drums, it really never gets boring. They have a good formula to flow through all the tracks on the album, and you never really get hung up on anything.

One right after the other until you find yourself at the end of the fastcore resurgence.

They give many nods to fast hardcore bands before them but manage to stand on their own two feet with rhythm and structure as each song feeds off of the one before it.

Plus, they skateboard! I spoke to Mike about hitting the smaller curbs at 40, which makes me love them even more.

You list HELLNATION as an influence – what about them do you like? What was different when they were playing, was thrash / grind the same now as it was then?

Yes! I absolutely love HELLNATION! I had gotten “Your Chaos Days Are Numbered” when I just started getting into extreme music and it blew me away! Relentless single pedal blastbeats, punk af riffs and truly pissed sounding vocals, what’s not to love? They took the near perfect S.O.B./Heresy recipe for hardcore and pushed it, making it their own. 

My favorites from them are “fucked up mess” ,”dynamite up you ass” and “at war with emo” 

Also the guitarist Ken ran Sound Pollution records. He released some  real classics (tomorrow will be worse comps, Assück,Spazz, Capitalist Casualties, G-anx, Intense Degree….too many to list.)

Bonus-b.s.- other fastcore bands we ripoff…. Er, I mean inspired us- Mind Of Asian, Slight Slappers, Brody’s Militia, Outo, Jellyroll Rockheads, Rupture, Short Hate Temper.

What’s different? I’d say what style is popular. It seems like gore/death grind is really popular,and I’m all for it.

You all get out and skateboard – who are your favorite skateboarders? Where is the best place to skate in Greensboro?

Well 2 of us skate, Dustin is more of a movie buff/cinema freak. We actually have a song about it .Sam totally rips at skating, whereas I do not haha. 

My favorites skaters are either Ed Templeton or Jason Adams. Basically dudes in trucker hats and high waters doing feeble grinds.

There are a couple of great skate parks around gso as well as a sick diy and an indoor park called Above board. They also do all ages shows there. 

Ok real answer. The best skate spot in Greensboro is the waxed curb down the street from my house ha!

What is the biggest similarity with punk and skateboarding? How are they alike?

Similarities? I’d say that you can actually participate in them, you don’t have to just spectate. You can literally go outside and skate or start a band or book a show. You can be a part of it, if you want to.

You have a brand new album coming out – what is the best track, to you, on this recording?

Yes! We have a new album , redundantly titled “Negatively Biased”  coming out soon on REAL SLACKER RECORDS (tape) and VANILLA THUNDER(limited lathe) . 

My favorites tracks are “ recession of thought “ or “ crime of being small.”

What is the best snack to indulge on while you are recording?

Best snack for a successful and stress free recording session? A full pot of coffee and rips the hell out of your hash pen! Channel all that into your music, then you order pizza.

Do you have long term goals after this album hits? Are there any tours planned?

Out long term goal is to release a cd with 100 songs it. We have about 90 something recorded already, so we are close. No touring plans now, but you might catch us in NY this summer *wink*wink

Now that the world has fallen into darkness – what can we do to stay positive?

I admit ,I don’t have any real  advice on this. There are just somethings that are beyond our control . You could sit and fret or grab life by the horns and listen to the new NEGATIVE BIAS album!

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