FUCK ON THE BEACH, UNHOLY GRAVE, APARTMENT 213, ASSHOLE PARADE, WEEKEND NACHOS. No folks, this is not a fever dream from the 90’s. This is C.Y. Fest and it is going to rip the tiny particles of brain left in your head right out.
Presented by Nacho Corrupted, this will be held in Los Angeles, California and will be held in September.
I must say, I really thought all of the good festivals were held in Europe, but come this September I will stand corrected.
This is a very packed line-up with bands from every corner of the world coming to bring the word of extreme music to the waiting hordes along with lovely west coast.
Tickets look like they will be available starting February 14th, so with love in your heart and extreme music spewing out of the affirmations brain the time is coming to pack up and head out to LA.

Paul runs Give Praise Records and is the Editor at Shackle Magazine. Paul hangs out on Cape Cod in Massachusetts with his wife and son, Christopher. He also has been working at a offset print shop since 2003, and still tries to get out and skateboard on very small curbs.