Final Exit Celebrates 30 Years with ‘Born In Hell’

FINAL EXIT is celebrating their 30th anniversary with a mega cassette release from Headsplit Records called ‘Born In Hell.’

This is such a detailed cassette – it’s almost impossible to tell you exactly what is going on, because well, quite frankly I don’t know. But for some reason only known to the robot on the front, it works. 

Quirky stop and starts, punk, thrash, grind, and noise. They manage to tie it together and come up with a wild ride, straight to a robotic hell. 

There are even some parts in here that are about 5 seconds of pop punk that explode into a blurred panic attack on your ears. But coming around full circle with squealing guitars and heavy blasts – as they are able to find a rhythm through the whole thing at the end of the track. They start a lot of the tracks with a unique rhythm that explodes into a blaring sound wall.

40 tracks of mind bending, toe tapping death noise. Seriously. The amount of imagination they put into structuring each song is amazing.

They premiered these tracks at the Obscene Extreme Festival, and now I’m finding myself going back to YouTube to see if I can find the show. It must have been like a shot of noise panic coming off the stage into a waiting group of maniacs.

The future of noise is now and being brought to you by FINAL EXIT.

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