Slappy Trucks Joins Forces with the Mighty Toy Machine

Anyone that reads Shackle knows that I love Ed Templeton. And, with that goes along a love for his artwork. When I was in high school and middle school my notebooks and binders were full of little creatures from copying Ed Templeton’s graphics. The Toy Machine ads were always so radical. The imagination and creativity in the artwork was always top-notch.

So when Slappy Trucks joined forces with Toy Machine to make a radical collaboration, I took notice. Now, I have never skated Slappy trucks before, I’m usually an Independent truck guy, BUT Slappy has received some great reviews and also has a totally gnarly team that they put together. So Toy Machine and Slappy, win win.

The new trucks will be dropping next month and I will most likely be turning in my Independents for a nice new shiny pair of Slappy’s.

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