Brew The Coffee With The New Comp. From CoffeeTimes

Get your coffee brewing and maybe even a nice morning pastry. Dump your coffee on the ground, cram the pastry and get ready – with the new comp. From the COFFEETIMES zine, you would actually need any coffee. You will get all the morning motivation you need by putting the cassette into the tape deck and pushing the play button.

COFFEETIMES FAST/SLOW COMPILATION – THE BREWTALITY CONTINUES… is ready for pre-orders and this is a fully packed comp. and zine. MIST, MAXXPOWER, G.U.T.S., DOUBLE ME, PISS LIFE, CHRONIC PISSED, VOID BRINGER and a whole bunch more. This thing is packed. A great list of grind / punk / hardcore bands that really feed off of each others energy as they brew (eh eh) from track to track. 

Limited to 400 copies, you get a 40 page zine and 36 bands in 28 minutes.

No decaf on this one. The brew must go one.

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