Meet The Master With NOD

Yes, I own the ‘Panty Raid’ edition of the Revenge of the Nerds box set and yeah, it’s just as radical as you think it might be.

When I saw that the almighty Larb brought to life, along with Frozen Screams Imprint the ‘Meet The Master’ lathe by California’s NOD I had to check it out. No ifs, ands or butt whiffs about it.

The lathe (that is always available on the Frozen Screams Bandcamp) is Revenge of the Nerds themed and it just adds to the overall excellence of this very limited lathe platter. If nothing, it’s worth getting just for the samples alone. It’s like being transported back in time, when CHARLES BRONSON would always add samples. There is simply not enough of that going on these days. 

Booger would be proud. Lewis would be nervous but then ease into it. And, depending on what movie you are taking about, Ogre would absolutely love it.

The music on this bad boy is some low tuned blistering death metal. Depressive, angry, and HEAVY. They would fit very nicely, on say, a label like Hells Headbangers.

Blasting back and fourth guitars over head banging drums. 

I’m pretty sure Lamar was a big fan of CANNIBAL CORPSE, in which case this would be blasting at the party house, but the world may never know.

Guttural growls and sharp shrieks over volcanic eruptions of noise chaos to the extreme. Lo-fi in the best way possible. The time to get the fanny pack and the cut off shirt is now. The head banging will live on. 

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