Getting Radical With Curb Junkies and Your New Shirt

Curb Junkies is a radical community and video channel of people destroying curbs one skateboard at a time.

There videos are packed with so many curb shredders – it’s unreal.

Throwing everything from grinds, slides and a smattering of fancy footwork. When I was a little younger and I would go out and skateboard everyday, we would always go to the places with all the parking blocks. We would work on them all day until we had worn the block all the way down.

This is what Curb Junkies is all about.

Besides the epic collection of videos, they also have a very excellent supply of shirts.

The Bad Brains lighting strike shirt has been copied many, many times, but, Curb Junkies just brought back this shirt design. Which ironically sparked this whole feature. I had seen the Curb Junkies here and there on Instagram, but it wasn’t until I saw the shirt that I really paid attention and started to check out all of their videos. 

So do yourself a few favors that you should have done when you first got on a skateboard:

  1. Buy a new Curb Junkies shirt.
  2. Go to the nearest parking blocks or curb.
  3. Destroy said curb and get radical while wearing your new shirt.
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