I probably should have picked up on Ace Pelka years ago, but to be honest it’s hard to keep up with everything going on these days. Trying to find radical news and cool stuff is always kind of an issue. You don’t want to rehash the same stuff over and over again, but you want to make sure you include important and stuff that people find ‘newa’ worthy. But, eh, let’s get back to Ace.
I came across him checking out the Limpies skateboarding page, a fairly new (to me) brand with some pretty gnarly looking outfits. I watched a few of their videos and saw one, skating a bowl, with some incredibly smooth style.
But Ace Pelka just doesn’t hit bowls, he is so smooth in anything he skates. Sometimes it’s crazy, the speed and control – it’s like the invisible man is behind him, giving him a little push and some extra support.
Combining old and new(er) tricks in a variety of obstacles, some with very little run up room.
Big rocks, bowls, ocean side villas – yeah, it gets radical.
*Photo by @timaguilar

Paul runs Give Praise Records and is the Editor at Shackle Magazine. Paul hangs out on Cape Cod in Massachusetts with his wife and son, Christopher. He also has been working at a offset print shop since 2003, and still tries to get out and skateboard on very small curbs.